
BizTECH, BTSD or VA Training Session

SKILLS TRAINING - VA Off. Admin. & BizTech
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1h 30min duration
1-5 number of people
1h 30min duration
1-5 number of people


On-site payment

About Service

BizTECH, BTSD or VA In-House Training Session / Technical Workshop (1-2 hrs. Session) - Single Focus Session Training:

  • In-House / Online / Blended Training in Business & Tech-Skills; OR
  • Technical & Entrepreneurial Project Support.

VA Internship & Agency Training Programs:

To Your Success

Phone: (868) 222 8118 (Office) or (305) 400 4865.

WA Ph. Contact:(868) 217 5975 or (868) 222 8118 (Office)


  • Online & On-Site Payments in TT$ available courtesy RBL EndCash & ComDevCorp.
  • To use EndCash TT$ Non-Cash Payment Services - Download & Setup EndCash App, Open & Scan Code (see "Locations" Menu Link - EndCash Images) to scan & Pay in TT$: